index.html - {keywords1}- Steps To Setting Up A New MetaMask Wallet · App launch: Tap on the MetaMask icon, recognized by its fox emblem, to open the app. · Initial setup: ...

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How to Set a Custom Provider in MetaMask

Updated on Dec 17, 2024 All Ethereum Wallets MetaMask Endpoints RPC Ethereum Development Wallets Set Up Custom Provider in MetaMask On this page

2 min read

Overview ​

MetaMask is one of the essential tools for web3 development. It comes set up with Ethereum blockchain networks out of the box. But there can be some specific use cases where you might want to add a custom provider to MetaMask for faster transaction processing or to connect to a custom network. In this guide, we’ll cover how to set up a custom provider in MetaMask.

What is MetaMask? ​

MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet browser extension that connects to the Ethereum blockchain and supports other EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) based chains. It is one of the best wallets to interact with Decentralized Applications (dApps) and Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs). MetaMask is not limited to storing native blockchain currencies, such as ETH or BSC. It can also store ERC-20 or BEP-20 tokens. It is compatible with major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Microsoft Edge and mobile!

Let us see how we can set up QuickNode as the custom RPC provider in MetaMask for faster transactions.

Creating an HTTP/WSS RPC URL on QuickNode ​

You can create a free account on within a few clicks to have a custom RPC endpoint. QuickNode supports over 25 chains and counting!

Once logged in, click the Create an endpoint button, then select chain and network based on your preference.

After creating your endpoint, copy the HTTP Provider link and keep it handy, as you'll need it next.

Setting Up MetaMask With a Custom Provider ​

Download the MetaMask browser extension if you haven't already. Make an account and keep your seed phrase safe.

Step 1 : Open the MetaMask extension, then click the Network Selector in the top-left corner.

Step 2 : Select Add network at the bottom of the Networks list.

Step 3 : Click Add a network manually on the page that is opened automatically after the previous step.

Step 4 : Enter the custom network's relevant details in the fields.

Listed below are the Chain / Network IDs for various EVM-based networks:

Ethereum Mainnet: 1 Ethereum Testnet Sepolia: 4 Ethereum Testnet Holesky: 42 Gnosis Chain: 100 BNB Smart Chain Mainnet: 56 Polygon/Matic Mainnet: 137 Optimistic Ethereum: 10 Arbitrum Nova: 42170 Arbitrum One: 42161 Base Chain: 8453

A list of all the commonly used chains can be found here .

After saving your changes, navigate back to the Network selector dropdown in the top-left corner of the extension and locate your newly added network!

Conclusion ​

Now we've successfully added QuickNode as the custom RPC provider in the MetaMask wallet. It is always a good idea to have a custom network added to your MetaMask for faster transactions or even as a backup.

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Written by

Sahil Sen

Last updated on Dec 17, 2024
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